About the Journal

TRANSFORMASI: Journal of Manado Education and Training Center of Religious Affairs (p-ISSN: 2476 - 8979) is a six-month periodical journal issued by Manado Education and Training Center of Religious Affairs, under the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs. This journal aims to disseminate the results of research/study on management and administration, education and religion to improve the quality of education and training in the fields of education and religion.
TRANSFORMASI: Journal of Manado Education and Training Center of Religious Affairs was firstly published in the form of printed magazine in 2005, entitled “Nyiur Melambai” (p-ISSN: 1907-0241), which is published regularly every 3 months. However, with the change of regulations regarding to the media use for the publication of scientific papers set by the State Minister for the Empowerment of State Apparaturs and bureaucratic reform, in 2015, "Nyiur Melambai", the printed scientific magazine was changed into "Transformation", the printed scientific journal with ISSN: 2476-8979.
TRANSFORMASI: Journal of Manado Education and Training Center of Religious Affairs was issued regularly every 6 months in printed version since 2015-2019. However, with the change of regulations regarding the media use for research results publication and study within the Ministry of Religious Affairs, since 2020, TRANSFORMATION: Journal of Manado Education and Training Center of Religious Affairs, issued in online version with the domain https://transformasi.