Fikih prioritas, Fatwa, Filantropi Islam, Pandemi, IndonesiaAbstract
Penelitian ini berupaya untuk mengidentifikasi paradigma fikih prioritas yang termuat dalam konstruksi epistemologi fatwa Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) Nomor 23 Tahun 2020 tentang pendayagunaan filantropi Islam untuk korban sosial ekonomi dampak pandemi Covid-19. Jenis penelitian hukum Islam normatif-filosofis ini menggunakan teori fikih prioritas yang dicetuskan oleh Yusuf Qardhawi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan terdapat dimensi paradigma fikih prioritas yang termuat pada konstruksi epistemologi perumusan fatwa MUI terkait pendayagunaan filantropi Islam untuk korban sosial ekonomi dampak pandemi Covid-19. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari tiga corak paradigma fikih prioritas yang melekat pada landasan perumusan fatwa tersebut. Pertama, corak paradigma fiqh al-maqashid (fikih tujuan), dan fiqh al-wâqi‘ (fikih realitas) dalam penggunaan landasan teologis normatif (al-Quran dan Hadis). Penggunaan landasan teologis normatif berupa ayat Quran maupun Hadis terkait ajaran filantropi Islam yang memuat pesan hukum universal (‘am) yang menekankan nilai etik sosial-universal berupa kepedulian sosial. Sementara itu, corak paradigma fiqh al waqi’ (fikih realitas) dapat dilihat dari upaya MUI dalam mentransformasikan nilai ajaran kepedulian sosial yang termuat dalam pelbagai ayat filantropi Islam sebagai basis perumusan fatwa penanggulangan problem sosial ekonomi masyarakat akibat pandemi Covid-19. Kedua, corak paradigma fiqh al-muwazanah (fikih pertimbangan) dalam penggunaan pelbagai kaidah hukum Islam (qawaid al-fiqhiyah) dan pemikiran hukum Islam klasik. Penggunaan pelbagai kaidah fikih yang digunakan MUI menunjukan pertimbangan perumusan hukum yang menekankan pada aspek preventif (sadd al-dzari’ah) dan maslahah mursalah (kemaslahatan universal) dalam menimbang kadar kemaslahatan maupun dampak kerusakan dari rumusan fatwa. Sementara itu, paradigma fiqh muwazanah juga dapat dilihat pada upaya MUI dalam penggunaan pelbagai pendapat fikih klasik yang didominasi oleh Mazhab Syafi’i. Hal demikian dimaksudkan agar produk fatwa MUI terkait pendayagunaan filantropi Islam lebih mudah diterima dan lebih maslahat di tengah kehidupan umat Islam Indonesia. Implikasi teoritik dari temuan penelitian ini yakni paradigma fikih prioritas dapat menjadi basis nilai maupun pendekatan dalam perumusan fatwa (hukum Islam) yang mengelaborasikan berbagai landasan normatif teologis, teori hukum Islam sekaligus pertimbangan kondisi realitas empirik. Sementara keterbatasan dari penelitian ini belum mengkaji pelbagai bentuk kendala praksis dalam implementasi fatwa tentang pendayagunaan filantropi Islam untuk penanggulangan korban sosial ekonomi akibat pandemi Covid-19.
Kata kunci : Fikih prioritas, Fatwa, Filantropi Islam, Pandemi Covid-19, Indonesia
This study seeks to identify the priority fiqh paradigm contained in the epistemological construction of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) fatwa Number 23 of 2020 concerning the utilization of Islamic philanthropy for socio-economic victims of the Covid-19 pandemic. This type of normative-philosophical Islamic law research uses the priority fiqh theory which was initiated by Yusuf Qardhawi. The results of the study show that there are dimensions of the priority fiqh paradigm contained in the epistemological construction of the MUI fatwa formulation related to the utilization of Islamic philanthropy for socio-economic victims of the Covid-19 pandemic. This can be seen from the three features of the priority fiqh paradigm attached to the basis for formulating the fatwa. First, the paradigm of fiqh al-maqashid (fiqh of purpose), and fiqh al-wâqi' (fiqh of reality) in the use of normative theological foundations (al-Quran and Hadith). The use of normative theological foundations in the form of verses from the Koran and Hadith related to Islamic philanthropy teachings which contain universal legal messages ('am) which emphasizes social-universal ethical values in the form of social care. Meanwhile, the pattern of the fiqh al waqi' (fiqh of reality) paradigm can be seen from the MUI's efforts to transform the values of social care teachings contained in various Islamic philanthropic verses as the basis for formulating fatwas to overcome socio-economic problems in society due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Second, the paradigm of fiqh al-muwazanah (consideration fiqh) in the use of various rules of Islamic law (qawaid al-fiqhiyah) and classical Islamic legal thought. The use of various fiqh rules used by MUI shows the consideration of legal formulation that emphasizes preventive aspects (sadd al-dzari'ah) and maslahah mursalah (universal benefit) in weighing the level of benefit and the impact of damage from the fatwa formulation. Meanwhile, the muwazanah fiqh paradigm can also be seen in MUI's efforts in using various classical fiqh opinions which are dominated by the Syafi'i School. This is so that the MUI fatwa products related to the utilization of Islamic philanthropy are more easily accepted and more beneficial in the lives of Indonesian Muslims. The theoretical implication of the findings of this research is that the priority fiqh paradigm can be the basis of values and approaches in formulating fatwas (Islamic law) which elaborates on various theological normative foundations, Islamic legal theory as well as considerations of empirical reality conditions. While the limitations of this study have not examined various forms of practical obstacles in the implementation of fatwas regarding the utilization of Islamic philanthropy for overcoming socio-economic victims due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Keywords: Priority Jurisprudence, Fatwa, Islamic Philanthropy, Covid-19 Pandemic, Indonesia
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