Maqasid sharia, principles of counseling, Islamic premaritalAbstract
Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk mengidentifikasi nilai-nilai maqashid syariah dalam asas konseling pranikah Islam. Penelitian kualitatif berupa kajian pustaka ini menggunakan dengan pendekatan normatif-filosofis. Sumber data utama penelitian berupa pelbagai literatur ilmiah yang menjelaskan tentang konseling pranikah Islam. Data sekunder menggunakan pelbagai penelitian ilmiah yang relevan dengan objek pokok penelitian. Teori analisis yang digunakan yakni pendekatan maqashid syariah kontemporer yang dikembangkan oleh Jasser Auda. Hasil penelitian menunjukan terdapat dimensi nilainilai maqashid syariah dalam tiga asas konseling pranikah Islam. Pertama, dimensi nilai proteksi jiwa (hifz nafs) dan proteksi harta (hifz maal) pada asas sakinah mawaddah wa rohmah. Manifestasi nilai hifz nafs berupa penanaman nilai oleh konselor demi terwujudnya kemaslahatan kejiwaaan calon pengantin. Sementara itu, manifestasi nilai hifz mal berupa penanaman nilai untuk mewujudkan kemaslahatan finansial keluarga. Kedua, dimensi nilai proteksi akal (hifz aqal) dan proteksi keturunan (hifz nasl) pada asas komunikasi dan musyawarah. Manifestasi nilai hifz aql berupa penanaman nilai oleh konselor pada calon pengantin terkait pemberdayaan potensi intelektualitas (akal) dalam menyikapi problem kehidupan pernikahan. Semantara itu, manifestasi nilai hifz nasl berupa penanaman nilai oleh konselor untuk mewujudkan komunikasi yang baik antara orang tua dan anak. Ketiga, dimensi nilai proteksi agama (hifz din) pada asas sabar dan tawakal. Manifestasi nilai hifz din berupa penanaman nilai keimanan oleh konselor pada calon pengantin terkait segala bentuk ujian, cobaan maupun harapan dalam kehidupan keluarga melalui sikap sabar, ikhtiar, dan tawakal.
Kata kunci :Maqashid syariah, asas konseling, pranikah Islam
This study intends to identify the values of maqashid sharia in the principles of Islamic premarital counseling. Qualitative research in the form of a literature review uses a normative-philosophical approach. The main data sources of this research are various scientific literatures which explain about Islamic premarital counseling. Secondary data uses various scientific studies that are relevant to the main object of research. The theory of analysis used is the contemporary maqashid sharia approach developed by Jasser Auda.The results showed that there is a dimension of maqashid sharia values in the three principles of Islamic premarital counseling. First, the dimensions of the value of soul protection (hifz nafs) and property protection (hifz maal) on the principle of sakinah mawaddah wa rohmah. The manifestation of hifz nafs values is in the form of instillation of values by counselors in order to realize the mental benefit of the bride and groom. Meanwhile, the manifestation of hifz mal values is in the form of instillation of values to realize the financial benefit of the family. Second, the dimensions of value protection (hifz aqal) and hereditary protection (hifz nasl) on the principle of communication and deliberation. The manifestation of hifz aql values is in the form of instillation of values by counselors on prospective brides related to empowering intellectual potential (reason) in responding to the problems of married life. At the same time, the manifestation of hifz nasl values is in the form of instillation of values by counselors to realize good communication between parents and children. Third, the dimension of the value of religious protection (hifz din) on the principle of patience and laughter. The manifestation of the value of hifz din is in the form of instillation of the value of faith by the counselor in the bride-to-be regarding all forms of exams, trials and expectations in family life through an attitude of patience, ikhtiar, and laughter.
Keywords: Maqashid sharia, principles of counseling, Islamic premarital.
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